
Getting the Most From Your Yellow Pages Directory Listing

For a small business with limited marketing dollars, a Yellow Pages Directory listing is often the largest chunk of their advertising budget. Paying careful attention to the wording and layout of that display ad can mean the difference between a good return and no return at all.Here are some things to consider when writing your ad so you can attract the best, most targeted audience.Size is important, at least in the Yellow Pages Directory. Buy the largest space you can afford, but at the very least you need to buy ad space similar to your competitor's ads. You don't want to have the smallest ad in your category, because you'll just get passed over. Look at your competition, and do what they do.Make sure you have a great headline.If you need to lay a foundation for your new garden shed, who are you going to call? The guy who proclaims "The easiest way ever invented to use concrete!" or the guy who says "Ready mix concrete. State certified computerized batching"? State certified might be a great feature, but it's not compelling the customer to read the rest of the ad, and the purpose of the headline is to get the reader to continue reading.Speaking of features--forget them.Go for the benefits for great advertising results. One easy way to identify a benefit is the use of the word "you". Just using that word will put you miles ahead of the competition. Engage the Motorcycle Gloves reader by talking about her needs instead of your qualifications. Which ad is more compelling, "We solve debt problems" or "Imagine your life without debt"?Tell your reader how to get in touch with Motorcycle Goggles you.Contact information might seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many ads don't include adequate information. Not all customers are the same, and not all customers will want to pick up the phone. They might be searching for a solution in the phone book, but by providing an email address, physical address, and website, your customer can choose the contact format she's most comfortable with.

