
Top 3 Reasons Why Internet Marketer Failed Miserably

Today I'm going to discuss about why some internet marketers have a really great success and why some failed miserably that people see them as a loser. I got this idea from the movie "Catch Me If You Can" that stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks acts as a cop in this movie and Leonardo DiCaprio acts as a thief, a famous and wonderful thief.But that's not what I'm going to talk about. I'm going to talk about Leonardo's dad in the movie. I'm sure everybody remembers the story Leonardo's dad tells when he was on the stage. I don't remember it so well but never mind, I'll just edit it a bit to fit our title.The story goes like this, "Once upon a time, there were three mice (I think it's two in the movie) that were really starving. They look out of their hole and saw an aggressive cat waiting to tear their lungs apart, but behind the cat was a big slice of cheese. Mouse number 1 said, "Hey, why don't we try walking slowly towards the cheese. Maybe the cat won't find out." Out of desperation and hunger the other mouse replied, "Let's do it." The last one said, "Uh uh. I'm not going to do it. You guys will be killed, go and get yourself dead if you want to but I'm not."Read on, you are getting to the main point. The two mice that agree just embark on the biggest journey of their life. They were walking slowly while watching the cat and they didn't look at what's up front. They fell into a pail of milk where they started hitting, scratching, tried to swim in the milk. One minutes passed and one of the mouse starting to give up. He says, "I can't do this anymore, I'll die. What mouse number three said Nail Brush was right, we should just wait in the hole." He gave up struggling. He sinks and he died. The other mouse just won't give up. He keeps on struggling and struggling and guess what guys? Aha, he turned the pail of milk into butter. He survived and he gets tons of butter to eat.Now, what does all that have to do with internet marketing? I know guys, hold on and let me explain. The mouse that was too scared to get out of the hole died of hunger. That's what 60% of people in the world did. They were too scared trying new things, scared of scams, they had negative thoughts, and they don't even bother to try it first. The moment they saw offers online, they will say "Ah, this is just a scam, they are making money out of me and I'm not so stupid." Well, as a matter of fact, they are. They hate their own life but they are scared to try new ones. They are losers.Mouse number two gave it a try, but he gave up in the end. That's what 37% of people did. Life's not a destination, it is a journey. You can't stop watch repair trying until you're dead. They're good, they gave it a try. They had the courage to try something new, but they don't have the will and the motivation to keep trying. They get eaten alive by the competition on Internet. They failed miserably.The last one is the 3% of the people in the world that gets their own lifestyle. They lived the life they want. They're those gurus in the business. Why? It's not luck. The harder you work, the luckier you'll get. So what is it? It's simple. First, they have the courage to try new things. Second, they have the will and motivation not to give up when they run into obstacles but instead they fly higher and higher to overcome the obstacles. Third, they don't make reasonsWhich mouse are you?

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